Meet the Scientist – Dr Ciara Scott



Wednesday 31st January 2024
12pm - 12:30pm
Meet the…
The Dentist
Dr Ciara Scott

Ciara loved science when she was at school and still does. That’s because science helps her to understand how our faces and teeth develop, how braces work to straighten teeth, what causes dental problems and how we can prevent them. Ciara is a dentist and orthodontist and looks after children’s teeth. During her presentation she will share some of the science of what she does and how to become your own best dentist.

Is an electric toothbrush better?

Why is sugar bad for your teeth?

Why do we add fluoride to toothpaste?

Meet the Scientist’ is part of the START initiative – a national competition challenging primary schools to create their very own randomised control trial. START is recognised by teachers as a ‘unique teaching tool’ allowing children to collaborate and enjoy a structured problem solving approach. Visit www.STARTcompetition. com to get your school involved.

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